Monday, August 26, 2013

As they hated me, they will also hate you....

   Social networking is an peculiar animal, is it not?

   It can be a wonderful thing in that it allows us to speak our mind at a moment's notice about whatever we might be thinking about at the time. It also allows us to read whatever others may be thinking in real-time. Updates come streaming across our newsfeeds on a constant and continual basis, immediately making us aware of what any number of our "friends" might be thinking at that moment.

   It can also be a horrible thing in that many people post some very angry, hostile comments without taking the time to think through how what they're saying might impact others. Add to that the complexities of trying to decipher the mood, emotion and intent of the authors of these posts through nothing more than the written word, and misunderstandings can run rampant.

   I'm fairly active on Facebook, which has given me the opportunity to voice my opinions on a number of issues, as well as being able to read what many others have to say about the same issues. There have been many misunderstandings between myself and others while doing so. People have assumed the worst of me at times, as I have done the same of them.

   In all of this, the most troubling thing I've seen is the incredible polarization that's occurring across our country. Many people seem far less interested in truly hearing what others have to say than they are in constantly carpet-bombing the masses with their opinions on what is wrong with everyone who doesn't believe what they do.

   As a Christian man who believes very much in the teachings of the bible and who tries to the best of his ability to live his life in accordance with those teachings, I've been very much alarmed at the amount of anger and hostility I've seen directed at those who share my beliefs. I've been equally alarmed at those who share my beliefs, and then use those beliefs as a platform from which they attack, insult, and degrade those who don't share them.

   I've seen a very rapid growth in the number of people who - once they learn that someone believes in the teachings of the bible - immediately disregard anything that person may have to say from that point forward on any issue. I've also seen large numbers of Christians who - once they learn that someone rejects their beliefs - immediately conclude that this person's beliefs hold no value.

   As I was growing up, people who stood firm in their religious convictions were actually looked up to. They were respected and admired for their convictions........But these are very different times, aren't they? How did this happen? While the answer to this question is complex, there are also some obvious explanations.

   We live in a world where people have witnessed countless examples of people who have claimed to be Christians doing some very horrible things to those who don't believe as they well as to people who do. They've seen phony televangelists who take advantage of the poor and hurting, promising them God's favor if they send money. They've seen countless examples of high-profile Christian leaders being caught in lies, sexual affairs, and even horrific acts of molestation. Who can blame those outside of the church for being disgusted by what they have seen when these examples of absolute degradation within the church have been relentlessly reported upon world-wide?

   In contrast, they will rarely see examples of the countless numbers of Christians who don't do these things..........People who give their entire lives to the betterment of others.........People who feed the hungry and clothe the poor..........People who visit prisons, nursing homes, and orphanages, wanting nothing more than to be there for those in need. People who work with the abused, the rejected, and the neglected.

   For every one person who's story is displayed on the news after being caught doing horrific things in the name of Christianity, there are hundreds of thousands of Christians whose entire lives are dedicated to doing what's right............... But these stories will never be seen on "60 Minutes."........Why?............because it isn't sensational news. 

   We are currently living in the midst of what can only be describes as a "Post-Christian" America. The trend in this country is moving rapidly away from the Judeo-Christian beliefs we grew up with, and without some sort of divine intervention, this trend is certain to continue.

   We, as Christians, are being increasingly mocked, insulted, and rejected due to our religious beliefs. It's becoming more and more perilous for us to speak openly about these beliefs. Religious institutions are being sued in our courts for standing up for their beliefs. Political careers are being ended. We can't speak of our faith or our God in our public schools. Christian valedictorians all over this country are being told that they cannot offer up a prayer or even speak of their faith during commencement speeches, even if their faith has played an enormous role in their determination to work so very hard to reach that level of accomplishment.

    Sadly, it's much worse in other parts of the world. All over the middle east, Christians are being beaten, tortured, imprisoned, and even brutally murdered due to their religious beliefs at an alarming rate.

   So, how do we react to all of this? How do we carry ourselves within a world that's becoming increasingly hostile toward those of us who hold these beliefs? Do we protest? Do we try to influence our government to return to a place where our beliefs are respected and our rights to express those beliefs are protected? I'm sorry, but in my humble opinion, that ship has long ago sailed.

   The early Christian church faced horrific persecution, not only from the government that ruled over them, but also from the church leaders who conspired to have Jesus crucified. There are countless examples of men and women who were arrested, beaten, and brutally murdered due to their beliefs in Jesus Christ.

   Oddly enough, in the midst of this relentless persecution, none of the early church leaders insisted that the government protect them. None of them demanded that their rights of free speech should be upheld. None of them protested against the Roman government, insisting that they pass laws forcing everyone to live by their standards. As they wrote letters to other believers, they never told them to insist that those outside of the church live by their beliefs. Their entire focus was upon encouraging these early believers to stand firm in their own faith.........within themselves........within a personal, internal relationship with their God..........A faith that was to be followed from the inside out, and one which - when lived out from that perspective - would draw in those who saw that their lives had truly been spite of the spite of being rejected, and in spite of being hunted down, arrested, and killed due to those beliefs.

   In Philippians 2, Paul offered the following:

   "Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion,  then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 
 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."..........

   And further.......

   ..................."Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,  for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Do everything without grumbling or arguing,  so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life."

   You see, our calling is not to force others to live and believe as we do.........Our calling is not to force our government to pass laws that agree with our faith...........Our calling is to simply live out our faith in a way that is worthy of the calling we've already received, and in doing so, to become a shining light in the midst of an increasingly hostile world........

   As a very dear friend once said to me; "Our very lives should be our Facebook wall, upon which those who don't share our beliefs can gaze...........and truly see God."


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