Please bear with me as I begin with a short story.
A young man was contemplating what he wanted to do with his life.
He thought about a career path he'd like to pursue, what he'd like to accomplish, and what kind of person he'd like to be.
He believed becoming a doctor would eventually lead to "the good life" he yearned for.
- It would allow him to become wealthy, respected, and admired in the eyes of his community.
- It would allow him to help others - even the most needy - who would have no ability to repay him.
In short, it would give him the opportunity to experience the joy of leading a life well lived.
Of course, this would require him to attend many years of college, maintain a respectable GPA, and remain committed to his career path during some very difficult internships.
It would require him to let go of that which he considered less important to focus upon the more.
And then there was the expense...
- Being of meager means, he saw no way he could afford the high cost of tuition.
- There would be student loans he'd have to repay for many years, assuming he'd be approved for them in the first place.
- There would be countless evenings and weekends of hard work and struggle in place of hanging out with his friends.
Feeling an overwhelming sense of discouragement, he decided it would be best to give up on this dream.
The more he considered the cost, the more impossible it seemed.
He believed it would be more practical to merely focus on his work as an employee at the local hardware store.
Maybe, he thought, if he worked hard and long enough, he could work his way up the company ladder and eventually carve out a decent living for himself.
One day, as he was making his rounds, a well-known physician approached him.
This was no ordinary physician.
Those who knew him well considered him to be the best of the best.
"I've heard around town that you've been considering going to medical school," the good doctor said quietly.
"Oh...yeah," the young man replied hesitantly, surprised that he'd spark up a conversation with him.
"I was, but..."
"But what?"
"Well, it just doesn't seem very practical. I mean, to begin with, it would take years of college I can't afford and, to be honest, I don't even know if I'm smart enough."
"Nonsense!" the doctor blurted out.
"That's easy for you to say," the young man replied. "You've already done all of that."
The doctor stepped back for a moment, giving the young man's dilemma some thought.
"What if we tried this?" he said.
"I have every medical degree I've ever wanted. I have a very successful practice, and over the years, I've experienced more in the medical field than you can imagine."
"Yeah, so?" the young man replied, thinking the doctor was a little full of himself.
"What if you quit your job right now, and come with me to my office?" the doctor said with a smile.
"Why would I do that?"
"Simple," the doctor replied. "I'll have you sit in my office with me, and when patients come in, I'll tell them to direct all of their questions and concerns to you."
"That's insane!" the young man replied. "I don't know the first thing about medicine!"
"Don't worry. I'll be with you the whole time, and I'll tell you what to say."
As crazy as all of this seemed to be, the young man took him up on his offer. He immediately quit his job and began working for him the same day.
He didn't give much thought to what might be asked of him the next day, the next month, or the next year.
He simply took one patient at a time, one day at a time, and kept his eyes on the doctor for guidance.
Over the years, the young man treated thousands of patients.
- He performed countless surgeries
- He helped people he never knew, many of whom being unable to repay him
- He became well respected in his community
- He was eventually awarded many honorary degrees, including doctorates
- He was able to afford a beautiful home and provide for his family
And all that was asked of him was to trust the doctor.
It made no difference where he had come from or how many mistakes he had made in life.
Faith was the only requirement.
This is exactly how salvation works.
The very moment we turn our eyes to Jesus, trusting him with all we are, we are immediately promised eternity with him.
It doesn't matter where we came from.
It doesn't matter what we've done in the past.
It doesn't matter what talents or abilities we have.
No matter how hard we try, we can't earn our way there.
Evidence of this can be found in the story of the thief on the cross who turned to Jesus before he died.
After hearing the other criminal with them insult Jesus, he said:
"We are being punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.
Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." - Luke 23:41-43
This man wasn't asked to go back and correct all of the wrongs he had done.
He wasn't asked to jump through any hoops.
There were no conditions.
He simply believed.
As was the case with the young man and the doctor, there would be no place for pride or arrogance.
There would only be thankfulness for all he'd been given, and what he had been given far exceeded anything he could've dreamed of.
Not to be misunderstood, I'm not talking about material wealth, fame, or notoriety.
I'm talking about a life, and an eternity, that will be far greater than anything you could imagine.
Right where you sit at this very moment can be the place and time where all of this can be given to you.
There doesn't need to be any bold pronouncements or steps that must be taken before accepting it.
Just say this simple prayer:
Lord Jesus, I believe you are the son of God. I know I am a sinner in need of forgiveness. Thank you for dying in my place so I might be saved. I ask that you would forgive my sins and that you would guide and direct me. Please help me to follow you to the best of my ability for the rest of my days.
If you just prayed that prayer, congratulations! You now have a seat reserved for you in heaven.
How do I know this? From Jesus' own words:
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7