Monday, February 6, 2012

Our very best

   Chris is a young man of 17 growing up in a Christian family in a fairly average suburban neighborhood. He does what most young Christian men his age might do on a daily basis. He goes to school, plays video games, goes to church with his family, and eats like a horse. His parents sometimes wonder if he's hiding food somewhere, because they have a hard time believing that anyone could eat as much as he does.
   For all intents and purposes, he's pretty much invisible. As far as the world can see, he doesn't do much of anything that's truly noteworthy by anyone's standards. He doesn't stand out in the crowd. He just goes about his business and does what's expected of him.
   He has 6 older brothers, all of them far more outspoken than he. Three of them were atheletes on the high school football team. The other three were stellar students, for whom good grades just seemed to come naturally. Each one of his older brothers recieved either academic or athletic scholarships to prestigeous colleges.
   When he hears his parents speak of their children, he's always the last one to be mentioned, if he's even mentioned at all. Sure, they love him, but they have a hard time seeing anything in him that's worth mentioning by the world's standards. Due to their heavy involvement in sports or academics, his brothers were rarely asked to help around the house with the daily chores. They were just too busy, his parent's thought. That being the case, most of the mundane tasks that needed to be done were passed down to Chris. He didn't complain much. He just went about his business, accepting his role within the family, and doing the best job he could.
   When he has some down time, he will pick up his bible and read it to himself. He's never been given much of an education in religious studies. Sometimes he has a hard time grasping the complex themes within the stories. After all, he doesn't posess the academic brilliance of his brothers. So before and after he reads, he prays and asks God to teach him. In doing so, he's always very thankful whenever he gains understanding, knowing that any understanding he may have came directly from God Himself.
   His parents are stunned one day when their doorbell rings and they answer it to see the pastor of a local mega-church standing on their front steps, along with 3 elders. They're even more stunned when the pastor informs them that, due to some personal issues, they're looking for someone to take over as pastor of the church. This isn't just any church. This is the church of all churches, with literally thousands of members.
   His parents ask what this has to do with them. Their jaws drop when they're told that, after a great deal of prayer, the pastor and elders are convinced that God told them to come to this home, because that's where they will find their next leader. In fact, one of their sons is the man God has chosen to take on this role.
  His parents are convinced that one of his older brothers must be the one. After all, they're all dynamic men, intelligent, personable, good looking, and exciting to be around. They immediately bring each of their sons into the room, one by one, to meet the pastor and elders. After meeting each one of them, they shake their heads and say "No, he's not the one."
   After meeting all of them, the pastor and elders are confused. "Are these all of you sons?" they ask. "Well, there's one more.........Chris." They respond, almost ashamed to bring him in after having introduced the others. "Bring him in, then." The pastor insists.
   As soon as he enters the room, the pastor and his elders know that he is the one. They don't know why, they just have a clear sense that God is speaking to them on this.
   As some of you may have figured out, this is not the story of Chris. This is the story of David, who was the least of his brothers by worldly standards, but who was chosen by God to be the next king of Israel. He would go on to become not only one of the greatest kings in Israel's history, but also one of the most beloved of bible characters.
   Pastor Steve spoke this week on "Giving our first fruits to God." He mentioned our posessions, all that we have been blessed with, and our daily behavior, wanting to make good choices by God's standards so that we might live a life that is pleasing to Him. In his words, "Our very lives are our first fruits, belonging to God, and to be given to Him freely and completely."
   As I sat and listened to his message, another angle occurred to me. Within each of us, God has placed certain "gifts and abilities." These are things that just seem to come naturally to us that don't necessarily come naturally to others.
   Why were we given these "gifts and abilities?" For one reason alone - that God might be glorified through how they are used.
   As David walked through the fields, caring for his sheep, what he probably didn't know was that God Himself was in the process of teaching him everything he would need to know once he was king. Within what seemed like simple, mundane tasks to David and his family were lessons about life and leadership, given to him by God.
   As Steve said on Sunday, God has placed you where you are right now for a reason. Don't ever look at where you are as a temporary annoyance that you'll be freed from as soon as God brings you where you're supposed to be. You already are where you're supposed to be. Look for ways to use your gifts and abilities, offering them up to God as your "first fruits," and be stunned and amazed when you see how God uses them. After all, the gifts and abilities you posess are there to be used no matter where you find yourself. If God wants to take them to a higher level, in an area that appears to be more prestgious, you'll be the first to know. As Jesus Himself said in Luke 16:10-11:

 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?"

    Begin today in being faithful with what you have already been given, and wait upon the Lord to show you when and if He will give you more.  


  1. Steve, you amaze me. Not that you aren't capable, but the marvelous methods you employ to craft such a work. God Bless you and your ministry

    1. Thank you very much, Steve. That really means a lot to me. I can't take any real credit for it, because I feel as though I'm just repeating what God says to me about my own life. If I have any gifts, it's because He gave them. If I have any message, it's because He gave it. I'm just trying to be a good steward of what I've been given, that's all. If people are blessed by it, that just makes me smile at God and say thank you.
